Indiana Transportation – the future is Now
Indiana’s roads and bridges require maintenance, improvements and expansion to ensure a robust transportation system for the future. Although passage of HEA (Indiana House Enrolled Act) 1002-2017 provides for significant and long term road funding, federal funds still account for the majority of road construction throughout the state. However, the solution for a sustainable federal transportation program remains elusive and uncertain. Indiana must continue planning aggressively today for the transportation infrastructure demands of tomorrow. For the state of Indiana, and its highways, roads and bridges, the future is now.
BIC was established in 1987 as a coalition representing the transportation construction industry. Today we represent more than 500 companies statewide. While we actively deal with legislative issues concerning our members, our primary focus is the continued development of Indiana’s road and bridge network, and ensuring a long-term, dedicated and adequate source of funding.
Indiana’s Transportation Infrastructure
By the Numbers
‘Unreachable number:’ Johnson County officials look to bonds amid $530M road funding shortfall
Elissa Maudlin | Daily Journal Three years ago, Johnson County officials estimated that roughly $382 million was needed for capital road [...]
Amendment eliminates delivery fee from road funding bill
Niki Kelly | Indiana Capital ChronicleA House panel examining how to increase road funding dialed back a wide-ranging bill Monday.The House Roads [...]
Sustainable road funding requires an evolution in our thinking
Road and bridge advocates closed the books on the 2023 Indiana General Assembly session knowing a significant discussion on infrastructure funding [...]
‘Unreachable number:’ Johnson County officials look to bonds amid $530M road funding shortfall
Elissa Maudlin | Daily Journal Three years ago, Johnson County officials estimated that roughly $382 million was needed for capital road [...]
Amendment eliminates delivery fee from road funding bill
Niki Kelly | Indiana Capital ChronicleA House panel examining how to increase road funding dialed back a wide-ranging bill Monday.The House Roads [...]
Sustainable road funding requires an evolution in our thinking
Road and bridge advocates closed the books on the 2023 Indiana General Assembly session knowing a significant discussion on infrastructure funding [...]