Bids will go out soon for an estimated $1.3 million in street repairs in Kendallville, fueled by a state Community Crossings grant worth nearly $1 million. City engineer Scott Derby gave a short presentation to the Board of Works and Public Safety recapping the 15 city streets that will be repaired with the $997,378.27 grant received in the second disbursement of Community Crossings grants from the Indiana Department of Transportation. The state awarded approximately $99 million to more than 200 communities in the fall Community Crossings cycle, so Kendallville received about 1% of that total. The program will reopen for new submissions in January, with approximately $100 million available again. Communities are eligible to reapply each year for up to a maximum of $1 million. Bids for the projects will be due on Dec. 23, with construction expected to start when the weather breaks in approximately April 2020.


The News Sun
Steve Garbacz