INDOT Construction Investment
INDOT Construction, Preliminary Engineering
and Development Opportunities Data
Each year the Indiana Department of Transportation invests in the preservation and improvement of Indiana’s interstate system, U.S. highways, state roads and bridges. Understanding the funding levels INDOT has available for these projects is useful to communities, road corridor advocates and the road building industry. Knowing what’s coming “down the road” helps with future planning.
For local communities and road corridor advocates, understanding how the funds are allocated to preservation and major new capital improvements helps gauge the likelihood of certain improvements being made by the state. Similarly, contractors, design professionals, aggregate, equipment and material suppliers find the information useful for company planning. Should the industry invest in more employees and equipment? Or, should we plan for a contraction?
The data shown below is compiled from various INDOT data sources. Build Indiana Council appreciates INDOT providing regular updates on this information so that we can inform our constituents about forecasts for future investment.
Download the current INDOT Construction Investment Data here.